Accelerated development of Social Network applications and Dating Apps using a TOTALLY scalable technology core

A wealth of experience and a unique technology to create sophisticated social networks and best dating apps
We draw on our experience and expertise to offer the end-to-end development of social networks and dating applications. As our brand-name out-of-the-box Backendless solution is ideally suited for this purpose, we also offer faster-than-average development of social networks and dating software.
To make sure your product finds itself among the best dating apps or social networks out there, our IT consultants apply a well-tuned IT consulting process. They thoroughly collect and further refine the requirements for your new dating app or social network. Very often, they use our social network development experience to propose ideas or refine those, put forward by our clients.
The founding elements, provided by the Backendless platform allow us to deliver a very significant (up to 50%) part of your social network or dating app out of the box. Both our good grasp of social networks and dating applications as a domain area and our feature-rich out-of-the-box functionality help us do this extremely promptly. As a generality, we are able to reduce the time-to-market of any large-scale complex application by a factor of 2. Social networks and apps for online dating are no exception.
Endless scalability and high customizability of your social network or dating app for all time to come
Uniquely amongst similar out-of-the-box technologies, our Backendless Pro solution succeeds in combining out-of-the-box enterprise functionality and complete scalability. The literally infinite scalability embedded in it initially allows us to expand and customize this solution just as infinitely. Whenever you have a great new idea, you will be able to extend your social networking or dating app easily and quickly.
Social networks and dating applications with extremely broad and sophisticated functionality
Besides our feature-rich out-of-the-box solution, we make use of several other important advantages to develop social networks and dating applications. One of these advantages is our significant experience in the development of this kind of functionality. In particular, our past social network and dating app development experience includes an innovative and large-scale social network. This social networking solution provides highly complex, broad, and intricate functionality. It comprises a web application and a mobile app. We have developed the entirety of this social networking and online dating solution from the ground up.
Overall, in our previous engagements, we have developed the following types of social networking and online dating functionality:
- User profiles and user account management. Detailed user profiles, featuring the user’s photos and containing a diverse number of user parameters that constitute search criteria. Automatic display of users with specific interests, shared similarities (hobbies, interests), and traits the profile owner is likely to be interested in in accordance with their search criteria.
- Creation of user activities. The ability for the user to create a wide range of activities they can invite other users to in real life. The possibility for them to make these activities searchable by other users. The ability for multiple users to subscribe to an activity posted by a user with shared interests. The user can choose from a predefined selection of activities or create a custom activity, flexibly indicating this activity’s details.
- Exceedingly powerful Search functionality. The ability for the user to make a search for potential matches and user-promoted activities based on a diverse range of criteria.
- Customizable invites to a variety of activities. The ability for the user to invite other users to their activities and to flexibly specify the details of these activities, and other advanced features advanced social networking sites and best dating apps provide.
All the functionality we develop is visually appealing and easy to get the hang of. We put ease of use centerstage and try to make the user feel at once they’ve come to the right site. We make it easy to get registered in the system and set up a user profile. With a few clicks, the user can find like-minded users for a joint activity, start their search for a potential match or perfect date, or make a first move. It is easy for them to view photos of other users and keep track of any new users with specific interests. Unlike many other apps, our social networking software allows the user to easily describe a specific situation in detail, and then get their message across to multiple potential matches.
As an IT consultancy with in-depth expertise in a host of areas, we boast a great deal of other IT consulting and software development experience. This experience too can facilitate your social network or dating app development. For instance, we are extensively experienced in collecting, defining, and refining system requirements. This expertise can be essential in taking into account the various important nuances social networking apps and dating applications abound in. It can help define your future social network or new dating app more correctly and more gainfully.
Broad API integration expertise is another forte we have. Not only do we have quite a bit of experience in creating a variety of API integrations, but we also know how to secure them in compliance with the Digital Banking industry’s strict regulations. Our API-related skills can come in handy to better secure your customers’ interactions with your dating app or social networking site.
Additionally, using the UI Builder of our parent company’s Backendless no-code platform can considerably expedite the UI/UX web and mobile development of your application.
With us, you can implement your social network or dating app development project approximately twice faster and twice more affordably than elsewhere. Our assistance could help you rapidly establish a solid business presence in the social networking or dating industry. We could also help you maintain this presence by continuing to implement any new features your solution may require in the future.
With our out-of-the-box solution, we have a hefty part of your social networking or dating app readily available. We also have the skill and knowledge to quickly implement the rest. Take a minute to check out how you can benefit!